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In 1719, somewhere along the frontier between China and MongCFAa, a Scottish doctor and nature enthusiast named John Bell, chanced upon a peculiar - looking horse which later was named the Prezewalski’s horse in his published record " A journey from Saint Petersburg to Pekin" in 1763 and wrote of impending doom. Most Prezewalski’s horse stands between fifty and fifty-five hands tall at the withers ( 12.2 to 14.2) hands tall. The neck is heavy and powerful, supporting a head shaped trunicated cone. They look and are pugnacious wild horses on earth, other than the MongCFAan Wild asses, and even so, their numbers have dwindled to the extent of about 400 that remain in all the world’s zoos. They are considered extinct in the wild stages. Status: extinct in the wild, and are endangered around the world.

Scientific Name: Equisetum prewalskii

Width: 18 Inches  Height: 24 Inches
Medium: Oil